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Japan marks 68th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

Updated: 2013-08-06 16:00
( Agencies/Xinhua)

Japan marks 68th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

People pray for the victims of the 1945 atomic bombing, in the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima August 6, 2013, on the 68th anniversary of the world's first atomic bombing on the city.[Photo/Xinhua]

Matsui chided the government for its efforts to restart the nuclear plants and to export nuclear technology to other countries.

"This summer, eastern Japan is still suffering the aftermath of the great earthquake and the nuclear accident. The desperate struggle to recover hometowns continues. The people of Hiroshima know well the ordeal of recovery," Matsui said.

"We urge the national government to rapidly develop and implement a responsible energy policy that places top priority on safety and the livelihoods of the people," he said.

A recent agreement on discussing nuclear energy cooperation with India, he said, would likely hinder efforts to abolish nuclear weapons.

The Hiroshima victims offered their support to those suffering from the accident in Fukushima, where the situation remains precarious following meltdowns of three reactors after the plant's power systems were crippled by the tsunami.

The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., admits it is struggling to contain radiation-contaminated water as its storage facilities overflow.

Last year, the previous government pledged to eventually phase out nuclear power and vastly increase use of renewable energy. Abe has backtracked from that commitment, saying that he favors a "responsible" energy policy that would allow nuclear plants to restart, reducing the burden on the economy from costly imports of natural gas and oil.
