DPRK accuses US of slandering DPRK on human rights

Updated: 2011-11-30 22:08


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PYONGYANG- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s official news agency KCNA on Wednesday accused the United States of slandering the human rights situation in the DPRK.

"This is an imprudent behavior of the worst human rights abuser," KCNA said in an article.

It is ridiculous for the US, which styles itself a human rights judge in the international arena, to take human rights issues in other countries as it "as it ruthlessly abuses rights of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in the US," the KCNA said.

The US aimes to tarnish the image of the DPRK, it said.

Stressing the steadfast policy of the DPRK government to promote the well-being of the people, the KCNA said that all people in the DPRK "are fully enjoying genuine freedom and rights."

The article urged the US to "immediately stop speaking ill of human rights situation in the DPRK."

The United States recently held "a meeting of foreign policy-makers who are concerned about human rights situation in north Korea" in Washington, according to the KCNA.