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China Daily Website

  • Pictograms of Beijing Olympics unveiled

    2006-08-07 13:31

    The BOCOG released the Pictograms of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on the occasion of the 2-year countdown to the opening of the Games.

  • Police get skillful behind the wheel

    2006-07-28 15:10

    A car races through a busy street to a highway at 110 kilometres per hour. After making a swift U-turn between two lanes, the vehicle swerves over a traffic barrier with an upward blade. Despite a burst tyre, the driver still has control of his car and slows to a smooth halt

  • Games to have far-reaching impact

    2006-07-28 15:08

    Professor Jin Yuanpu founded the Humanistic Olympics Studies Centre of the Renmin University of China in October 2000 and has since served as its executive director.

  • Locals prefer Olympics on TV

    2006-07-28 14:59

    Some Beijing residents say that TV will be the most important medium for them to experience the 2008 Olympics, followed by newspaper and radio.

  • Olympic Venue operation training kicks off

    2006-07-27 15:32

    The Olympic Games Knowledge Management (OGKM) on the Games' venue operation was convened in Beijing Wednesday morning, with Olympic experts taking their first-hand Games experiences in the area to the seminar.

  • Polluting factories wiped out

    2006-07-27 14:11

    The Beijing Coking-Chemical Plant is the latest pollution-causing factory to move from Beijing's urban district in accordance with a municipal government order aimed at creating a cleaner environment for the 2008 Olympic games.

  • Volunteer recruitment kicks off

    2006-07-25 11:25

    Volunteer recruitment for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will kick off next week. Approximately 100,000 volunteers are needed.

  • BOCOG endeavors to protect ozone layer

    2006-07-24 08:51

    A representative of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) and officials of the United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) recently exchanged views on matters related to environmental protection.

  • Olympic Tower sports 'Beijing 2008' logo

    2006-07-21 09:51

    As night falls and the lights come on, the Beijing Olympic Tower's glowing new decorations can be seen clearly under the starry sky

  • BOB busy building teams

    2006-07-21 09:25

    The Beijing Olympic host broadcaster has been intensifying its team-building and co-operation efforts both at home and abroad in the run-up to the 2008 Games.

  • Lucrative income from broadcast rights

    2006-07-21 10:08

    Television broadcast rights are a major source of income for the Olympic movement, accounting for more than half of Olympic marketing revenues.

  • Composers in theme tune contest

    2006-07-21 05:58

    As Beijing counts down to the 2008 Games, world-class musicians are locked in a heated contest to compose the Olympic theme tune.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.