Designer adds a little ooh la la

2011-04-19 09:00:44

Yang Guanhua is building a growing reputation based on her designs inspired by French style and luxury fabrics, Eric Jou discovers.

Rustic melodies turn their angst into heartbreak

2011-04-14 07:59:19

The country's youthful indie rock scene is continuing to be sculpted by China's rapid social transformations, and the changes are captured in the music of the Beijing band Rustic.

Playing loud 'n' proud

2011-04-14 07:59:19

If Beijing's current crop of indie groups can boast anything over their mainstream pop predecessors, it is the success they have enjoyed in attempts to export their sounds overseas.

Honors for most influential

2011-04-07 08:08:42

When 95-year-old Sidney Shapiro tottered on stage to make his acceptance speech in which he said he was "Chinese until the last breath of my life", it was probably the most touching moment of the 2010-2011 Chinese Influencing the World awards ceremony.

Focus put on preventing IPR violations

2011-03-01 07:31:17

Prosecutors covering Zhongguancun, the so-called Silicon Valley of China, are to switch tactics against intellectual property rights infringements from punishment to prevention.

Restoring the flow of a mother river

2010-12-22 08:08:52

The city's Yongding River restoration project has benefits both economically and ecologically, including promoting a balanced development in Beijing and recharging the dwindling groundwater, officials say.

Plan accelerates car buying craze

2010-12-16 07:03:12

Take a sneak peek at a Christmas list drawn up by any Beijinger and chances are it includes a new car - or, to be precise, a new license plate.

Wheels turning for new bike-rental idea

2010-12-15 08:33:15

Netizens have been excitedly debating a new proposal from the municipal government for a bicycle-sharing system to ease the city's traffic gridlock.

City may do more to cool real estate

2010-12-15 08:33:15

Beijing may do more to address homebuyers' concerns about rising house prices, said Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development spokesperson Xu Zhijun.

New car fees attacked

2010-12-15 08:33:15

Car owners and experts have expressed concern about a draft plan from the local government to increase parking fees in a bid to ease congestion.

Students out to repair broken English found on city's signs

2010-12-14 10:27:52

Multilingual notices welcomed but drive begins to make them better

'Mouse tribe' set to be flushed from its lairs

2010-12-14 09:42:24

The city is looking to dig out its so-called "mouse tribe" - the large population of mainly migrant workers that lives in cramped conditions deep underground.