Stormy times predicted for city pollution this year

2010-06-07 08:00:34

Despite an 11-year improvement in air quality, officials from the Beijing municipal environmental protection bureau said the chain might be broken this year because of a booming economy and mounting numbers of cars.

A future carved out of traditions of the past

2010-06-04 08:00:16

The government has moved to revive ancient crafts such as working with ivory and lacquer

A more modern touch for an ancient craft

2010-06-04 08:00:16

As a sensible artist and practical businessman, Zhong Liansheng provides alternative roads for Beijing's traditional enamelware. He is known for his innovative and conceptual designs.

Saddle up. It's time for your therapy

2010-06-03 07:50:37

Horse riding has been accepted as a highly good treatment for some disabilities

Number of riding schools grow at a canter, despite losses

2010-06-03 07:50:37

Equestrianism - the art of horse riding - is no longer novel in China's capital, which now boasts about 60 riding clubs that attract thousands of enthusiasts wanting to saddle up.

Battle of the beers comes to a head

2010-06-02 07:50:52

Trouble brews as Yanjing asserts its territory, some Snow beer sellers claim

Stout competition, fake hooch challenge imports

2010-06-02 07:50:52

Counterfeiting, the instability of major markets and competition from domestic beers are the biggest threats to survival for foreign beers in Beijing.

A decade of being the man behind the mask

2010-05-31 07:52:23

Undercover reporter unwraps secrets of dual identity

Fees, humiliation part of getting wired to Foxconn

2010-05-31 07:52:23

China Daily reporter Hu Yinan investigated the employment process at Foxconn. The following is a report on how to join the company's work force - if you have the stamina to work in its high-pressure plants.

Jesuit who linked Rome with Beijing

2010-05-28 07:50:25

Matteo Ricci, the first Westerner to become 'truly Chinese', changed the way the nation saw the outside world

Western giants helped build ancient China

2010-05-28 07:50:25

Throughout China's long history, few foreigners have had more impact on the country in terms of creating cultural links and advancing science than Matteto Ricci and his peers during the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Why the well-heeled shy away from public hospitals

2010-05-27 07:51:27

Judy Zhai is afraid of hospitals. Memories of drab wall paint, yelling nurses, impatient doctors, the smell of disinfectant and crowded rooms filled with patients with infectious diseases depresses her and keeps her away from State-run hospitals.