Patients welcome medical iniatives but still want better service

2010-05-27 07:51:27

Beijing's top public hospitals are opening high-standard medical consultation centers and providing specialized services to meet the growing needs of patients.

Beating the drum for a city's preservation

2010-05-26 07:55:44

The proposed redevelopment of Gulou has spawned a heated response from scholars

Blue-eyed Beijinger gets misty over hutong dust

2010-05-26 07:55:44

Hua Xinmin, a 56-year-old woman who is half French, sees Jinbaojie, a street to the north of Chang'an Avenue's Dongdan, a little differently to the way the hoards of white-collar workers and tourists who flock to it today see the trendy street.

Call for action to stop organ trade

2010-05-25 07:57:47

Poverty and increasing need for transplants are spurring an illegal trade

Business in human parts a lifeline or a profit center?

2010-05-25 07:57:47

Liu Jiangshen is from a poor family in Sichuan province, and together with his father went to Guangdong as migrant workers to make money.

'Military' students out in the cold

2010-05-24 07:58:22

Bogus school closed after key officials arrested for fraud

City's healthy lead to butt out

2010-05-21 07:52:29

Doctors among the prime target for the latest anti-smoking campaign, which will concentrate on hospitals, Yang Wanli discovers.

Smoking culture has visitors gasping

2010-05-21 07:52:29

Der Hallberg always tries his best to find a smoke-free environment when he visits Beijing, which includes booking non-smoking hotel rooms and eating in the no-smoking areas in restaurants.

Migrant schools fight to protect students

2010-05-20 07:46:52

As protection is ramped up elsewhere, campuses for poor children lack guards. Wang Wei and Zhao Yanrong report

Headmaster of protest school battles for compensation

2010-05-20 07:46:52

From his hospital bed, Luo Chao, 47, talks about his soon to be demolished school for migrant children and his fight for compensation.

Don't fall for a bogus call - even from the 'police'

2010-05-19 07:55:51

One day, my landline phone rang at 8:04 am and a voice with a standard Beijing accent spoke.

Credit card fraud cases on the rise

2010-05-19 07:55:51

Authorities should join forces to crack down on fake IDs