Shanghai drivers face tougher road in registering their wheels than Beijingers

2010-03-24 07:50:20

Beijingers frustrated with the cost and hassle of driving in the capital can take solace in knowing that Shanghai drivers have it even worse.

Car owners count the ways to their personalized plates

2010-03-24 07:50:20

Many who queue outside the offices of local transport authorities say they are looking for lucky and favorite numbers made available after a new policy was introduced in October 2008.

GR8 PL8s all the rage with local motorists

2010-03-24 07:50:20

Enthusiasts race for auspicious automobile license combinations

New incentive policies to encourage doctoral degrees

2010-03-23 10:43:34

Although many Chinese students are turning their backs on private colleges because of allegedly substandard programs and lax regulation, China's education authorities say they hope the country's private colleges will start offering doctorate degree programs soon.

Scams rampant in private colleges

2010-03-23 10:39:34

Declining student numbers force private schools to resort to underhandmethods to survive

Caring jail guard earns her stripes in inmates' eyes

2010-03-22 07:55:10

Jail guards are not always at odds with the inmates.

Detention centers aim for transparency

2010-03-22 07:55:10

All of Beijing's 22 city and district-level detention centers will be open to the public and social organizations before June in a bid to eliminate public suspicion about prison guards abusing detained suspects, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau said last Tuesday.

Some cabbies opt for a relaxed day behind the wheel

2010-03-19 08:06:56

Compared with his counterparts from the outskirts of Beijing, Xia Jianzhong, a taxi driver living downtown, has a much more relaxed life.

Tianjing: A 'taxi driver village'

2010-03-19 08:06:56

They endure long hours and less contact with family in best job option available

Credit programs ring bells for stores and banks

2010-03-18 07:50:33

Purchases made by credit card installments reached 11 percent of the total transactions last year at Suning Appliance Co stores in Beijing, about 4 percentage points higher than that of 2008.

Locals charge ahead with new financing options

2010-03-18 07:50:33

Shortly after examining an Apple iPhone 3GS, the hottest gadget sold at Dazhong Electronics, Zhang Hongqi told the sales assistant to ring it up.

A Beijing Christian shares his story of conversion

2010-03-17 07:54:14

Simon Zhang, a 22-year-old student in Haidian district, Beijing, says he was converted to Christianity two years ago when trying to figure out the meaning of life.