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Yunnan aims to improve TCM services

Updated : 2016-12-09

Authorities in Yunnan set up a plan on Dec 6 to improve the quality of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in the province and increase coverage.

During the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-15), Yunnan introduced a preliminary TCM medical service system. According to the official statistics from Yunnan health department, 97.7 percent of Yunnan’s community health service centers now offer TCM service center.

“The improvement of TCM service coverage can help local residents easily get access to the TCM service,” said Zheng Jin, director of Yunnan provincial TCM management bureau.

Various publicity activities have been carried out in the province to help people get a better understanding of the benefits of TCM.

“TCM is a unique health service resource of China,” said Li Malin, director of Yunnan health and family planning commission.

Edited by Jacob Hooson

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