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Lijiang Honeymoon Travel Advice

Updated : 2013-05-20

Honeymoon travel in Lijiang is very popular, but there are some good places newcomers might not know about.

Zhongyi Market

If you want to experience local life, Zhongyi Market is the best place to go. Fresh vegetables and fruit wet with early morning dew glows magically in the sun. The market is busy and noisy as potatoes and tofu sizzle, bicycle bells ring and people bargain. However, once you stand in the middle of the market and look up at the snow mountain under the blue sky, everything becomes tranquil. 

Shangri-La in Lost Horizon

In the novel Lost Horizon written by James Hilton, a French missionary travels to Shangri-La to find the lost world. The utopia actually exists in today's Shangri-La in a village called Cizhong. The church in the village is a mix of gothic and Tibetan styles. The villagers go to church on Sunday and the priest sings hymns in the language of the Naxi local dialect.

Naxi Ancient Music

Naxi Ancient Music is known as a musical fossil. The Naxi Ancient Music Concert in Dayan Old Town is held in a two-story yard with a patio. Guests can take a seat and enjoy the music.

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
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