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Hangzhou to develop solar power PV industry

2010-July-8 16:14:15

Hangzhou is making a five-year plan for the development of solar power PV industry, which is likely to be another new driving force to the city’s economy.

At a seminar recently held to discuss the development of PV industry in Hangzhou, it is agreed that the municipal government should guide and support the development of PV industry by promoting innovation in technology, management and business model, cultivating and attracting talented people, and expanding the market. At the seminar, the PV industry has been listed as an important part of the “New Industries Development Program for Hangzhou (2010-2015)”.

Once the national solar power building projects implemented, Hangzhou will have an installed capacity of 5 MW. Besides, Hangzhou intends to panel 40,000 m² of housetops with solar power PV cells.

By 2013, there will be a total of 200,000 m² housetops paneled with PV cells. From 2010, the municipal government will allocate 30 million yuan every year for a special fund to promote solar PV industry, which will focus on solar power constructions and “Sunny Roof Program” in Hangzhou.

By Xie Fang and Liu Jingyuan


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