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Waived fees spur student businesses in Hangzhou

2010-March-11 17:18:05

College students in Hangzhou took advantage of the province's offer to waive their first payment on business registration fees to set up 81 enterprises last year, out of a total of 1,075. The exempted register fees amounted to 250, 000 yuan.

The Hangzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau started the policy in 2008, which includes exemption of the register fee, waiver of the first payment and lowering registered capital to 30,000 yuan, said Zhang Yichao, the bureau’s deputy director.

In cooperation with local universities and research institutes, the bureau also supports students’ efforts in e-commerce through preferential policies and a business incubator. After one year, the number of e-companies started by students has reached 328, with 2000 students participating.

Another policy, scheduled to start on Oct. 24th, will allow students to rent apartments and commercial space for their businesses.


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