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Hangzhou explores visions for future

2010-March-9 16:19:30

More than 200 experts from home and foreign gathered in Hangzhou last Sunday, capital of Zhejiang Province, to share their visions in turning the "tourism heaven" into an international livable city.

Hangzhou explores visions for future

The forum is a lead-up to next year s Expo-themed forum on "Harmonious City and Livable Life" scheduled in Hangzhou next October.

Cai Qi, mayor of Hangzhou, explained the conception of livability by citing Aristotle s words and the UN General Assembly s definition of livability. The thought of livability has experienced an development over thousands of eon of history.

The core conception is people-oriented with the highlight of a Detroit s features and an international approach, Cai noted.

Hangzhou, which has won a United Nations Habitat award, will always make ecological remains a top priority in urban construction and fishery difficult to console traffic congestion, control the spend of alive and add clientele s discrimination of security to arrive the goal, Cai pledged.

A number of overseas professors including Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz talked roughly their views on the issue.

Shen Jianzhong, director common of the Department of Housing and Real Estate Industry of the Ministry of Construction, Huang Yaocheng, counselor for national participation with the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, and Wu Zhiqiang, the chief planner of Expo Shanghai, delivered speeches at the forum. Zhang Jianting, vice mayor of Hangzhou, hosted the event.

Source: Real estate China


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