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Where do lanterns go?

2010-March-5 18:24:14

Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, and is one of the most celebrated festivals in China.

Where do lanterns go?

As the name "Lantern Festival" suggests, lanterns play a leading role in the celebration. As the first full moon of the new year rises, people come out to enjoy the spectacle of thousands of colorful lanterns, blazing in the night.

For Lantern Festival 2010, Hangzhou held lantern displaying events in Wushan Square, Hubin District, West Lake Culture Square and various residential districts. Tens of thousands of lanterns lit up the sky above Hangzhou that night. You may have the same question as many others: where do the lanterns go after Lantern Festival?

Xiacheng District sets an excellent example for recycling the lanterns. The Wuya Senior Citizen Home was recently renovated, and several lanterns were relocated in the center to decorate the house as well as entertain the senior citizens. "It's a pity that I can't go outside to see the lanterns," one senior resident was quoted as saying, "but now that we have the lanterns in our house, we’re very happy."

Some of the lanterns go to community parks. One theme lantern in the shape of phoenix presented by the community of Chaoming was moved to Dongyuan Park, a local residential park, to continue its display.

Even environmental concerns have become a theme for some lanterns. A lantern in the town of Cuiyuan was made from recycled motor parts and old mannequins. Resembling a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon, the lantern was a major attraction during the holiday. Other lanterns in the Cuiyuan lantern display were rented from lantern makers, and would be returned after display.


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