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Guiyang forum to promote environmental protection policies


A forum featuring in explaining Chinese major policies on eco-civilization was held in Guiyang, Guizhou province, on June 26 and invited high level guests in different fields to contribute their thoughts on Eco-compensation System.

Nation's new move to green economy


A national green financial system will be built, through channeling the fund of loans, private equity, bonds, securities and insurance to green industry, according to a summit conference on green economy held in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou province on June 26.

Guizhou cooperates with Portugal in eco-friendly industry


Representatives of Portuguese, Guizhou's enterprises and Guizhou government took part in the China Guizhou-Portugal Green Industry Dialogue to exchange views and seek cooperation on developing eco-friendly industry at Guiyang city, the capital of Guizhou province held on June 26.

Cover half of province in forest area by 2017


Forest cover will take up more than half of the total land area of Guizhou province by the end of 2017, according to a three-year plan by the provincial government.

A tough old guardian of Juchi Mountain


A military retiree has made it his life's pursuit to protect a wide swathe of forest in Guizhou province, Yang Jun and Wang Xiaodong report.

First batch of methanol-fueled taxis put into operation in S.W. China


Photo taken on June 23, 2015 shows methanol-fueled taxis displayed during a launching ceremony in Guiyang city, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province.

China commits to building eco-civilization: Xi


China will commit to its international obligations and work with countries around the world to build an eco-civilization for a better Earth, President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory letter to an environmental forum on Saturday.

Guizhou hosts ecological products expo


Agreements for more than 30 ecology projects – concerning wind energy production, shale gas exploration and eco-tourism, with a total investment of 33.2 billion yuan ($5.4 billion) – were signed on Friday

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