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City of Guiyang seeking green growth


Ecological development has become the name card of Guiyang, said Li Zaiyong, mayor of the city, Friday at a sub-forum of the Eco-Forum Global, Guiyang, in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.

Recording beautiful scenes in Guizhou


Rushed Shumon,a photographer from the Daily Star of Bengal,enjoyed the boundless paddy fields, the hardworking farmers, the laughing kids and the people in Bouyi costumes in Guiding county.

China commits to building eco-civilization: Xi


China will commit to its international obligations and work with countries around the world to build an eco-civilization for a better Earth, President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory letter to an environmental forum on Saturday.

Guizhou hosts ecological products expo


Agreements for more than 30 ecology projects – concerning wind energy production, shale gas exploration and eco-tourism, with a total investment of 33.2 billion yuan ($5.4 billion) – were signed on Friday

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