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Get the latest news and reviews on Chinese food, drink, restaurants, cuisine, and recipes from the chinadaily.com.cn.

  • Southern celebrity

    2012-07-07 07:52

    Two white stone lions guard the entrance, and red ribbons tied around their necks announce that Sung Tung Lok is officially ready for visitors, finally.

  • Red rice, paradise

    2012-05-28 15:14

    The paddy terraces rise from the valleys to the mountaintops, and the lifestyle here has changed little since time immemorial, just like the ancient variety of red rice that has been grown for more than 1,000 years.

  • Magic mushrooms

    2012-05-14 09:29

    You don't have to wait for the rainy season anymore to enjoy Yunnan's earthy treasures. Pauline D. Loh provides recipes from her home province.

  • Life's a bowl of cherries

    2012-04-15 09:33

    Nothing spells spring like the sight of cherry trees bending over with fruit. Pauline D. Loh enjoys her garden harvest.

  • Feasting on black gold

    2012-04-09 14:53

    They are tiny black chunks that are, frankly, not the most immediately attractive morsels. So why do chefs and gourmets wax lyrical about truffles?

  • Love birds

    2012-04-06 15:27

    The romance of Shatin's Lung Wah restaurant continues as Pauline D. Loh savors nostalgia in Hong Kong.

  • Californian dreamer

    2012-04-06 15:20

    He's got movie-star looks, a charming grin and the ability to make chocolates from bacon. Who can resist a chef like that? Pauline D. Loh succumbs in Hong Kong.

  • Pauline D Loh

    2012-04-06 11:04

    Pauline D Loh is a veteran journalist who has successfully spanned a broad spectrum that includes hard news and features, print, radio, TV and web.

  • Little lamb, what made thee?

    2012-03-25 13:01

    Don't make friends with your food. But who can resist these lambs when they are so delicious? Pauline D. Loh travels north to the foothills of Inner Mongolia.

  • Soups for the season

    2012-03-19 12:20

    It was cold and damp outside, and a warming bowl of thick, fragrant brew chased away the chills and warmed hearts and stomachs.

  • Luxury in the details

    2012-03-15 15:05

    Eating Cantonese is an indulgence for any well-traveled gourmet, but when it comes to eating Cantonese at Man Ho, it becomes sheer decadence.

  • Instant gratification

    2012-03-04 16:59

    Only have time for a quick meal? It can still be nutritious and easy to cook. Pauline D. Loh takes three ingredients and a packet of instant noodles for a quick fix.

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