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China Daily Website

Find stories and informaion on travel to China, vacation advices, hotel deals, airline tickets, travel deals, and hot tourists destinations, including Beijing, Shanghai, the Great Wall and more from chinadaily.com.cn.

  • 5th China Embroidery Culture and Arts Festival opens in Suzhou

    2012-12-03 16:00

    5th China Embroidery Culture and Arts Festival opens in Suzhou

  • Autumn leaves of maidenhair trees in Huqiushan, Suzhou

    2012-11-21 15:26

    A visitor takes pictures of autumn leaves of maidenhair trees in the scenery spot of Huqiushan in Suzhou.

  • Colorful maple leaves attract visitors to Tianping Mountain

    2012-11-19 16:59

    Photo taken on Nov 17, 2012 shows the maple leaves on Tianping Mountain in Suzhou city, East China's Jiangsu province.

  • Summer lullaby of southern water towns

    2012-05-14 17:30

    The water towns scattered across southern China are known for their tranquility and leisurely lifestyles.

  • Youth Hostels

    2012-11-01 15:52

    Youth Hostels

  • Climate

    2012-10-19 17:47

    The average annual temperature in Suzhou is 15.9℃, but July reached an average high 28.2℃ and January a low of 3.6℃. The year’s precipitation in Suzhou amounts to around 1110.6 mm, with about 128 rainy days. During June every year, it rains the heaviest and longest.

  • International Travel Agencies in Suzhou

    2012-10-19 17:47

    International Travel Agencies in Suzhou

  • Things to do in Suzhou

    2012-10-19 17:45

    Suzhou is famous for Chinese landscape gardens with traditional Chinese architecture. It is near to Shanghai, so it contains a lot of fashionable elements. After enjoying the amazing landscape gardens, there are still a lot of things to do to know the city.

  • Amazing Liuyuan Garden in Suzhou

    2012-10-19 17:44

    Covering an area of 2.3 hectares, the Liuyuan Garden is the best preserved among all the Suzhou gardens.

  • Eat like a local: Suzhou

    2012-09-29 12:42

    After visiting the city's beautiful gardens, try Song He Lou (mansion of the pine and crane) at Guanqian Jie. It is a restaurant with a long history, established in 1757.

  • Lotus Festival kicks off in Suzhou

    2012-06-29 13:48

    Over 5,000 pots of lotus flowers will be on show during the two-month lotus festival in Suzhou's Humble Administrator's Garden.

  • Suzhou extols expos and conventions

    2011-09-09 09:39

    The ancient city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province has evolved into a leading business metropolis and a center for MICE.

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