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China Daily Website

  • Who's who

    2011-06-28 10:27

    Managers of international luxury hotels

  • Who's who

    2011-06-28 10:27

    Managers of international luxury hotels.

  • Injecting hope

    2009-10-14 10:58

    Amid warnings that child deaths from swine flu are spiking, toddler Bronwen English nervously clutched her teddy bear and waited to be inoculated against the H1N1 virus.

  • Ah Q-uestion of character

    2009-10-14 10:37

    Hailed by Chairman Mao Zedong as "a great revolutionary", "the commander of China's cultural revolution" and "the saint of China", Lu Xun (1881-1936) and his legacy continue to resonate in Chinese intellectual life.

  • Scramble to publish Nobel laureate's works in Chinese

    2009-10-14 10:37

    Herta Muller (pictured), winner of the 2009 Nobel prize for literature, has caught publishing houses in the Chinese mainland unawares - none of the books of the new Nobel laureate have yet been translated and published.

  • What are words worth?

    2009-10-13 11:24

    In a letter dated April 19, 1988, a man named Liu Zhenhai wrote to his nephew Liu Guoqiang: "It was in the spring of 1946 that I last saw your parents and your elder brothers and sisters.

  • Van Gogh's power to paint with prose

    2009-10-13 11:10

    Renowned Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh was also a literary giant, say researchers who have scrutinized his vast body of correspondence - the topic of a new exhibition opening in Amsterdam on Friday.

  • Sharing treasures

    2009-10-13 10:48

    For the first time in 60 years, treasures from the Palace Museum in Beijing have been sent to Taipei for a large-scale exhibition about Qing Dynasty Emperor Yongzheng (1678-1735).

  • Soldiers of fortune

    2009-10-13 10:30

    Clad in a traditional Chinese beige shirt and glasses, gray-haired Yang Zhifa busily signs books in a gift shop in the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

  • Saving face

    2009-10-09 10:34

    Early October is Nobel Prize announcement week. It is often an agonizing and even humiliating period for some Chinese who see the prize as the yardstick of our nation's scientific and educational development.

  • Red scions: Ye Mingzi,Wan Baobao and Bo Guagua

    2009-09-30 11:49

    Ye Mingzi, granddaughter of veteran Chinese Communist general Ye Jianying, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1978 to 1983, just got married - on Sept 9.

  • A princess returns

    2009-09-30 10:24

    Director Zhang Yimou will present a trendy version of classical opera Turandot at Beijing's new landmark - the Bird's Nest, on Oct 6 and 7.

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