2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家

细说巴西:教练背叛传统 9号已经作古


2014-07-10 14:56:51




细说巴西:教练背叛传统 9号已经作古


It is as unlikely that Fred will play for Brazil again after Saturday’s third place play-off in Brasilia as it is that Scolari will carry on as coach. The latter notion, in particular, appears unthinkable and the only good that can come for the Selecao from the humiliation against Germany is that it happened in Brazil, in their backyard and the brutal truth was ruthlessly exposed. They are not good enough and they have, under Scolari, betrayed their tradition, their roots, their DNA.


Fred is not to blame, but his limitations have been highlighted as he has struggled for form and fitness following his heroics in last year’s unlikely Confederations Cup triumph.


His role for Scolari was simply to act as the presence up front to try to get the best out of Neymar. It was a basic approach and one that was then exposed with Neymar’s injury. Instead of being brave and changing his tactics Scolari at first appeared set to revert to type by beefing up his midfield, but then lost his nerve and decided to attack Germany.


That was Scolari’s fault and not Fred’s, but unfortunately for the striker he ended up symbolising the stupidity of it.


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