- President Hu's List of Do's and Don'ts for China
(03-17 10:09 by matt605 )
- The Woeful Health of the Nation
(03-07 15:02 by swwind)
- China, USA should be natural allies
(02-09 10:10 by arthur)
- Beijing's leverage over Taiwan
(02-05 11:47 by raymondusa)
- Tax the rich?
(01-24 13:27 by china4life)
- Share your New Year plan with us
As the lunar 2005 coming to an end, can I launch a thread to acquire our dear forumites' "harvest " of the year? And, if possible, could you share your 2006 plan with us? (01-17 10:30 by CDW)
- Greetings solicited for Spring Festival
Are you a Chinese? If "yes", then you are invited to share your Spring Festival greetings with the compatriots across the globe, no matter where you live -- in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao or any other place, no matter whether you can speak Chinese or not. (01-16 09:23 by CDW)
- Gap between haves and have-nots is growing
A new report is urging the Chinese Government to focus on giving migrant workers and farmers a fair chance since the gap between the haves and have-nots has already become a threat toward the country's social harmony. (01-16 09:20 by iluv2fish)
- Why is it wrong to visit the Yasukuni Shrine?
(12-29 16:54 by mpc1999)
- Will China get western weapons?
(12-29 16:46 by iluv2fish)
- China economy, real or bubble?
(12-19 11:44 by wowzers)
- What to learn from today's China?
(12-19 11:44 by soudenjapan)
- POLL: China pictures of the year
(12-19 11:38 by CD)
- Find a blend of Marxism and Capitalism
(12-06 14:55 by xiaomi)
- China's military increase
China's modernizing and expanding military could be used both positively and negatively. China could just be constructing a great-power military that is primarily used for defense. (11-24 11:02 by Alexis)
- Bush in China
Coming off a new low in domestic approval ratings and battered by a decidedly hostile reception in Latin America, a mellower and gentler President George W. Bush brought a more conciliatory message to Asia. (11-22 10:37 by George Koo)
- Foraging for strategic cooperation
It is true that China's rise provides the first real break in modern times for the world's havenots to redress their grievances in dignified international forums without having to feel that they are second-class citizens whose miseries are unworthy of the world's attention. (11-14 11:48 by wchao37)
- Textile pact cannot protect US jobs
The U.S. textile industry got its heart's desire on November 8 in London -- an agreement limiting textile products that Chinese companies can ship to the United States over the next three years. (11-09 15:56 by Paul)
- China needs to forgive Japan
I find it rather disturbing regarding the numerous anti-Japanese comments that appeared in the website. (11-08 11:29 by Truly Worried)
- The CCP has changed
I read a column about China and the ruling Communist Pary authored by Robert Novak, who routinely writes about political affairs. And the story is worth being picked-up for forumites sharing
(10-28 10:12 by Ron Short)