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    Doctors say tiger's tumour op successful
Wu Yong and Qiu Hong
2005-07-26 06:13

SHENYANG: A tiger was recovering in a Shenyang zoo yesterday after undergoing a successful operation to remove two tumours.

The operation was carried out at Shenyang's No 4 Hospital by Dr Sun Wei, an experienced surgeon who had operated on thousands of human patients before, but never a tiger.

"The tiger is in good condition with a little inflammation after the operation," said Liu Xiaoqiang, spokesman from Shenyang Forestry Bureau.

Liu said the tiger had been sent back to his home at a local zoo immediately after surgery. A special team was organized to take care of the unusual patient, with any change in the tiger's condition to be immediately reported to the hospital and forestry bureau.

"We have made full preparation for possible post-operative complications," said Liu.

The three-year-old tiger, named Nao Nao, is the star of the local Guaipo Tiger Park because of his willingness to interact with visitors, being particularly keen on jumping onto the roof of tourist buses.

But earlier this month, he was found to have lost his appetite and was not his usual active self. His condition worsened and on examination staff found Nao Nao had a bulge on his left side. Further checks by a vet found another egg-sized tumour on his chest.

Soon after Nao Nao's plight was first reported, hospitals volunteered to provide free medical treatment and local animal protection authorities gave Shenyang No 4 Hospital the green light to operate.

Sun Wei, director of the hospital's surgical department, was appointed chief surgeon.

"It is not surprising that so many people have paid so much attention to Nao Nao because they know the importance of protecting wild animals," said Liu.

(China Daily 07/26/2005 page2)


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