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    Chinese pair win women's tennis doubles gold medal

2004-08-23 06:05

ATHENS: Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won China's first Olympic medal in tennis yesterday, taking the women's doubles gold with a solid victory over Spain.

The Chinese rolled over Conchita Martinez and Virginia Ruano Pascual 6-3, 6-3 on centre court.

While for the Chinese, victory meant a first Olympic medal in the sport for their nation, defeat for Martinez left her still hankering for gold.

The former Wimbledon singles champion has a doubles silver medal from Barcelona in 1992 and a bronze from Atlanta in 1996 - both won with Arantxa Sanchez Vicario.

The Chinese pair had beaten Paola Suarez and Patricia Tarabini in the semi-finals. The Argentines went on to win bronze.

In a curious twist, Spain's Ruano Pascual and Argentina's Suarez are the world's top-ranked doubles pair while Martinez and Tarabini also competed as a winning doubles pair for many years.

(China Daily 08/23/2004 page16)


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