One in four married women in China has experienced some form of domestic violence. That's according to a 2011 national survey by the All-China Women's Federation. Now, lawmakers are entering their last stage of assessing China's need for a law against domestic violence and if the country's social and legal environments are ready for one. The National People's Congress announced in 2011 it would consider introducing legislation on domestic violence, but experts involved in the assessment told us there have always been many obstacles and different views on whether or not China needs such a law.
In fact, the discussion has been going on for more than a decade. The research and investigation process, however, has sped up significantly since late 2011. In October, the National People's Congress organized a team of experts to research and investigate the possibility of making a law on domestic violence. Earlier this year, the research team finished its assessment report and handed it over to the National People's Congress. In the report, the team suggests it is necessary for China to pass a specialized law on domestic violence. In March 2012, Zhen Yan, vice-chairwoman of the All-China Women's Federation and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, called on the National People's Congress to speed up its processes of introducing legislation on domestic violence.
What's happening with the legislation? We called Jiang Yue'e from our studio. She's one of the few leading experts in pushing the legislation process.
Feng Xin: What's happening with the legislation?
Jiang Yue'e: Relevant assessment reports are being edited and improved in order to be submitted to the NPC's Standing Committee for discussion. The Standing Committee hasn't discussed it formally yet.
Feng Xin: If the legislation needs to move forward, what obstacles does it have to overcome?
Jiang Yue'e: I must say the NPC pays a great deal of attention to the legislation. However, I think when a project is brought to the level of legislation, difficulties do exist. There is a view that domestic violence is a matter of the family; how can state power come to intervene?
Feng Xin: People might have a question like, is domestic violence really serious that we have to have a specialized law. What's your opinion?
Jiang Yue'e: In my own opinion, we make a law not because the problem has turned serious but to regulate people's behaviors. A large part of it is to prevent and stop rather than just to punish.
But how serious is domestic violence in China?
Various reports show the All-China Women's Federation received between 40,000 and 50,000 domestic complaints each year from 2004 to 2008.
A 2011 national survey on women's status shows more than 24.7 percent of married women in China have experienced some form of domestic violence, like physical assault, sexual abuse, mental abuse, physical confinement and economic deprivation. 5.5 percent of respondents reported in explicit terms that they had been physically abused.
Feng Xin: If we were to make a law on domestic violence, what would be some of the difficulties?
Lin Jianjun: I'd say the question – whether or not we need a specialized law on domestic violence – itself is a difficult matter. Some people think we only need to amend our current laws, but of course there are a considerable number of people who think we should make a specialized law. So the disagreement itself is a difficulty in the legislation process.
Feng Xin: Then what do you think?
Lin Jianjun: I'm more in favor of a specialized law on domestic violence. The function of the law shouldn't be limited to punishment after violence. It should also involve prevention of violence. The law should also not be limited to the punishment of the perpetrator but also the rescue and protection of the victim. It's very hard for a private law or public law to include all these functions. It should be a comprehensive, social law.
Legislatively, 29 Chinese provinces and special administrative regions have passed local administrative laws and regulations on domestic violence, but a specialized national law does not exist.
Worldwide, more than 80 countries and regions have passed laws on domestic violence.
In 2009 the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passed its Domestic and Cohabitation Relationship Violence Ordinance. What were some of the issues Hong Kong lawmakers debated? What legislative questions is the Chinese mainland likely to encounter?
We talked to Chan Yuen-han, who took part in Hong Kong's legislation process while she was a member of the region's legislative council.
Feng Xin: Councilor Chan, when police officers deal with domestic violence what problems do they often encounter?
Chan Yuen-han: Finding evidence is the biggest difficulty. There were several major cases where the victim reported to the police many times, but the police didn't follow up. This then led to more beating. The victim eventually died. Such cases brought about a lot of public criticism. People then tried to make legislation.
Feng Xin: How did the legislation process go?
Chan Yuen-han: First, in the legislative council there was a public hearing process. I was a member of the council at the time. During the process, we had quite a lot of public hearings. Many people came to express their opinions, as I did. The discussion was quite comprehensive.
Feng Xin: What topics were being discussed?
Chan Yuen-han: At first, the government didn't want to make a law to cover couples' fights in their own homes. After we strived to create legislation for many years, the government eventually agreed. During the process, there were two main arguments. What's the definition of marriage? Does it have to be between two people of the opposite sex? Or can it be between people of the same sex? This was a big argument. Another was about the scope of the law. Are parents and the elderly included in the law? Or maybe children should be included, as well. This was also a main argument. I think in traditional Chinese culture, people don't wash their dirty laundry in public. It's important to break up the traditional concept. I believe any family can have issues. It is hard to gain support in Chinese societies, so when I heard in the All-China Women's Federation there are a group of predecessors who also want to push for the law, I said, "Great". They are facing a social issue. That issue is how to solve problems that cannot be solved behind closed doors. If we have legislation it can at least warn those who are about to commit violence and make them to step back.
Feng Xin: So what role do you think the law is playing?
Chan Yuen-han: Education. It's very important. Today many groups still invite me to listen to their members discuss their experiences. I think at least there are more people who are aware of the issue. (Domestic violence) was just a small matter. It was OK for husbands to beat their wives. It was also OK for wives to beat their husbands –not to mention beating elderly people at home. It used to be like this, but it's no longer the case. At least in terms of education, I think (the law) is very important.
Chan Yuen-han mentioned several questions Hong Kong lawmakers and residents had to think about when drafting their legislation on domestic violence, for example, the concept of domestic violence itself and the difficulty in proving it. How will or should the Chinese mainland address these questions? We will look into them in our next episode.
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One in four married women in China has experienced some form of domestic violence, according to a 2011 national survey. Now, lawmakers are entering their last stage of assessing China’s need for a specialized law on domestic violence, but experts involved say there have always been many obstacles and different views on this issue.