Building a two-oriented society in Chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster  2012-02-05

On Dec 14, 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice for sanctioning Wuhan city cluster and Chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster as the National Comprehensive Supporting Reform Pilot Areas to build a resource conserving and environment friendly society.

Two-Oriented Society  2012-02-05

Proposal and Conception In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro adopted Agenda 21, which officially put forward the idea of "Environmental Friendliness". In 2004, the White Paper on Environmental Protection of Japan proposed establishing an environment-friendly society.

CZT honored with energy-saving & new energy auto leader award  2012-01-30

On Dec 12, 2011, the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) City Cluster in Hunan province won the 2011 energy-saving and new energy auto leader award for its highest development scale index and government support index.

Japanese experts give lecture on energy conservation in Changsha  2012-01-30

On Dec 14, 2011, the experience exchange and training session on Japan's energy conservation ended in Changsha, Hunan province. Japanese experts gave lectures at the session and over 300 concerned people attended the session.

Changsha allocates 260 million yuan to alleviate river pollution  2012-01-30

On Dec 24, 2011, the Standing Committee of the CPC Changsha Municipal Committee released a report stating that their efforts on alleviating river pollution have produced marked effects. There are now 15,000 desilted pools across the city.

New-energy buses put into operation in Zhuzhou  2012-01-30

In Dec 2011, the Zhuzhou Municipal Bus Company announced the operation of their first batch of automatic parallel hybrid electric buses.
