
TV series on male nanny

By Xu Fan ( ) Updated: 2016-03-16 16:26:08

TV series on male nanny

Actor Lei Jiayin and actress Huo Siyan. [Photo provided to China Daily]

The Chinese TV series Nanny Man is now being aired on two TV channels from Hubei and Heilongjiang provinces. The 35-episode comedy centers on a male nanny's adventures in a big city.

In addition to cleaning and cooking, the protagonist's other "challenges" include acting as a psychologist to his depressed employer and taking care of a pregnant woman.

Acclaimed actor Lei Jiayin, who stars in the title role of the male nanny, said the "very funny" script got him.

"Usually the nanny industry is dominated by women, so playing a male nanny sounded exciting and cool," he said at a recent media event in Beijing.

He hoped the series would make more people accept men in this industry.

The cast also has actresses Yuan Shanshan, Huo Siyan and Cao Xiwen.

Cao, who plays a lawyer in the series, said at the same event that she picked up some acting skills for it from similar foreign series like Baby Daddy and Manny.


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