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  • Abe's Yasukuni Shrine visit a dangerous step

    2013-12-26 14:53

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the WWII Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on Thursday, is a dangerous step toward militarism and will lead to further deterioration of China-Japan relations, and regional stability.

  • Abe's shrine visit grave provocation

    2013-12-26 12:54

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni shrine on Thursday is a grave provocation that may lead to heightened tension in the region.

  • Time for Abe to show real leadership

    2013-12-26 07:37

    The first year of Shinzo Abe's second term as Japan's prime minister was a domestic political triumph, but his country has paid an enormously high price for it.

  • Commentary: Avoid a zero-sum game in South China Sea

    2013-12-17 17:34

    China has been making efforts in the past months to sort out territorial issues left from history with its Southeast Asian neighbors, including Vietnam.

  • Foreign planes identified in air zone

    2013-11-30 07:53

    The People's Liberation Army Air Force on Friday identified and verified foreign military planes entering China's recently established East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone.

  • China's ADIZ is justified

    2013-11-29 07:02

    China's establishment of the East China Sea ADIZ and the announcement of aircraft identification rules have received a mixed response.

  • US, Japan wrong to blame China for air zone

    2013-11-27 13:58

    China's announcement to establish an Air Defense Identification Zone in East China Sea has drawn criticism from the United States and Japan, yet their blame is wrong.

  • Air defense zone doesn't target specific country

    2013-11-27 13:43

    China's newly-established air defense identification zone over the East China Sea does not target a specific country, said a military expert in Beijing on Tuesday.

  • Japan still disowns its dark past

    2013-11-25 07:15

    One of the deep issues that still bedevils Japan is that dark, dark decade and a half of fascist rule, which continues to be kept in the shadows.

  • Defuse dangerous tensions

    2013-11-22 07:20

    China's rise is inevitable, and Beijing should promote the fact its rise is peaceful to dispel the concerns of other countries, including Japan.

  • Japan's belligerent intentions

    2013-11-04 07:14

    By playing up the "China threat" theory Abe's real intention is to promote the transformation of the Japan Self-Defense Force into a regular army.

  • Japan's stance will worsen regional situation

    2013-11-01 15:56

    If Japan plays an important role in Asia's security affairs, relations between countries will deteriorate, said an article in People's Daily.

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