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  • Diaoyu Islands 'Purchase' reflects weakened Japan: experts

    2012-09-14 23:12

    A senior international relations expert Friday has described the Japanese government's move to "purchase" part of the Diaoyu Islands as a reflection of the weakening of Japan's national strength.

  • 'Purchase' of Diaoyu Island reflects weakened Japan

    2012-09-14 19:44

    A senior international relations expert Friday described the Japanese government's move to "purchase" the Diaoyu Island and part of its affiliated islets as a reflection of the weakening of Japan's national strength.

  • Japan is trying to cover up Diaoyu's theft: official

    2012-09-14 19:08

    Tensions surrounding the Diaoyu Islands are being stirred up single-handedly by Japan in an attempt to rewrite Japan's inglorious history of illegally stealing Chinese territory, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Yucheng said on Sept 14.

  • Chinese federations voice islands indignation

    2012-09-14 07:08

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the All-China Women's Federation issued statements on Thursday, expressing strong indignation toward and opposition against Japan's so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands.

  • Diaoyu Islands baseline announcement significant: diplomat

    2012-09-13 22:51

    The Chinese government's announcement of the baselines of the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets is of great significance, a Chinese diplomat has explained.

  • Japan's move violates common ground for ties

    2012-09-13 18:52

    Japan's recent move of "purchasing" the Diaoyu Islands has violated the important understanding and common ground for bilateral relations.

  • Official criticizes Diaoyu 'nationalization'

    2012-09-13 08:09

    A former speaker of Japan's lower house said that the Japanese government's "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands has gone too far, as tensions between China and Japan continue to simmer.

  • Japan's island 'purchase' challenges post-WWII order

    2012-09-12 19:40

    The Japanese government's move to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands not only hurts the feelings of the Chinese people, but also challenges the post-WWII order in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • US seems unusually ignorant about Diaoyu Islands history

    2012-09-12 18:50

    While the diplomatic standoff between Beijing and Tokyo simmers following Japan's farce to buy China's Diaoyu Islands, the United States has kept unusually silent concerning the true history of the territory.

  • China's determination to safeguard sovereignty unshakable

    2012-09-11 16:35

    China's civil patrol ships Tuesday reached the waters around the Diaoyu Islands to start patrolling and showing China's sovereignty over these islands.

  • Diaoyu will remain China's

    2012-09-11 08:08

    Japan has turned the dispute with China over the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands into a farce.

  • Japan's further provocation

    2012-09-11 08:08

    The Japanese government has thrown down the gauntlet before China. China should take it up with an iron resolve and crush any Japanese act of aggression.

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