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  • Japan may review probe on WWII sex slavery

    2014-02-21 14:25

    Tokyo would consider re-examining a 20-year-old study that led to a landmark apology over its forced prostitution in World War II.

  • Abe raps NHK chief for bigoted comments

    2014-02-21 11:23

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe instructed President of NHK Katsuto Momii to take more responsibility in his role as the national broadcaster's head.

  • Mishandling Taiwan issues won't do Japan any good

    2014-02-20 16:29

    If a government claims to recognize you as the sole legal government of a country, but at the same time allows some of its lawmakers to institute a relationship act with part of your territory, you have good reason to feel cheated and ask why.

  • China urges intl alert for Japanese comments

    2014-02-20 14:06

    China warned the international community of any comments attempted to vindicate Japan's invasion history.

  • NHK officials' remarks in mounting criticism

    2014-02-20 10:37

    Provocative statements by Katsuto Momii, the head of Japan's public broadcaster NHK, and its board member on Japan's invasion history have been widely criticized in Japan.

  • Beijing opposes Japan's Taiwan ambitions

    2014-02-20 02:43

    Beijing opposes a Japanese initiative aiming to draw up an act that would "lay the legal basis" to foster ties between Tokyo and Taiwan.

  • More evidence exposes Japanese atrocities in China

    2014-02-12 22:29

    A villager in North China has stumbled upon a book about the trials of Japanese biological troops during WWII, with details of atrocities in China.

  • Op-Ed: Into an abyss of disgrace

    2014-02-12 07:19

    Despite Abe's abject denials of the historical truth and evidence, Japan is still liable for its wartime crimes against humanity.

  • History reveals Abe's ploy

    2014-02-11 08:06

    Japan's occupation of Diaoyu Islands violates all established laws and poses a challenge to post-war international order.

  • Japan to extend 'territorial education'

    2014-02-07 00:02

    Japanese Cabinet members have publicly confirmed that Tokyo will expand "territorial education" regarding disputed islands to include elementary schools.

  • China slams NHK's denial of Nanjing massacre

    2014-02-06 03:41

    The denial is "a barefaced challenge to the international justice and human conscience," said a spokesman of China's Foreign Ministry.

  • Abe doesn't deserve the trust he seeks

    2014-02-05 21:30

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attempts to rewrite history and rebuild the military are the tip of a dangerous nostalgia for an imperialist past.

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