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  • Japan appoints new ambassador to China

    2012-09-11 18:47

    Japan on Sept 11 appointed Shinichi Nishimiya to replace Uichiro Niwa as its ambassador to China amid escalating tensions over the Diaoyu Islands.

  • China's determination to safeguard sovereignty unshakable

    2012-09-11 16:35

    China's civil patrol ships Tuesday reached the waters around the Diaoyu Islands to start patrolling and showing China's sovereignty over these islands.

  • Diaoyu will remain China's

    2012-09-11 08:08

    Japan has turned the dispute with China over the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands into a farce.

  • Japan's further provocation

    2012-09-11 08:08

    The Japanese government has thrown down the gauntlet before China. China should take it up with an iron resolve and crush any Japanese act of aggression.

  • Diaoyu will remain China's

    2012-09-11 08:08

    Japan has turned the dispute with China over the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands into a farce. The machinations of Japanese politicians and right-wing activists' attempt to "purchase" China's Diaoyu Islands undermine the tacit understanding between China and Japan to shelve disputes and deal with more pressing issues.

  • Experts warn Japan against making a wrong move

    2012-09-10 18:48

    In response to the Japanese government's official decision to "purchase" China's Diaoyu Islands, experts warned that the Japan should give second thought to their strategy.

  • Japan should jettison short-sighted tricks

    2012-09-10 15:31

    Tokyo is slipping farther away from the right track of China-Japan relations as the Japanese government barges ahead Monday with the farce of buying China's Diaoyu Islands.

  • 'Shared duty' of all Chinese to guard territory

    2012-09-08 02:11

    Taiwan's leader Ma Ying-jeou visited an islet close to the Diaoyu Islands, as Beijing said it is the "shared duty" of all the Chinese to guard sovereignty.
    Tokyo signals defense shift to disputed islands

  • China protects safety of foreign diplomats

    2012-09-05 19:19

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Wednesday reiterated China's determination to protect the safety of foreign embassies and personnel.

  • Handle Diaoyu issue with care

    2012-09-04 08:09

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's sudden visit to China on Sept 4-5 amid rising tensions between Japan and China over the Diaoyu Islands (called Senkaku Islands in Japan) dispute reflects the United States' role in Sino-Japanese relations.

  • China cautions Japan over islands dispute

    2012-09-04 07:47

    Beijing warned Tokyo against any further sovereignty infringement, as Tokyo confirmed its final plan to "nationalize" China's Diaoyu Islands.

  • Japan writes letter to China as calls to ease tensions grow

    2012-09-01 01:41

    A Tokyo diplomat handed a letter, written by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and intended for President Hu Jintao, to State Councilor Dai Bingguo.

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