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Taiwan says rescue teams ready to help mainland

Updated: 2013-04-21 00:40
( Xinhua)

TAIPEI - Taiwan's Red Cross Society said Saturday that medical and rescue teams are on stand-by to assist the mainland's efforts in earthquake-stricken Sichuan province.

Taiwan says rescue teams ready to help mainland

Two rescue teams in Taipei and Kaohsiung are standing by with rescue equipment and will be dispatched once requested by the mainland, Spencer Chen, an official with the society told Xinhua.

Chen said disaster relief materials such as blankets, tents and sleeping bags have been packed for delivery, and rescue gear such as life detectors and excavating equipment will be included if necessary.

Meanwhile, rescue teams arranged by the island's fire agency are also ready to help with rescue work.

Taiwan's Red Cross Society will donate 5 million yuan ($809,000) to the quake-hit area, and it also publicized a bank account to receive donations from the Taiwan people, Chen said.

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Lushan county of Ya'an City in the mainland's Sichuan Province at 8:02 am Saturday Beijing time.

Ma Shaw-chang, spokesman of Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation, said more than 360 Taiwan tourists were in the province when the earthquake hit. They are all safe.

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