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Scholars in Shanghai to discuss China studies

Updated: 2013-03-23 17:15
By Uking Sun (

More than 240 scholars and opinion leaders gathered at the 5th World Forum on China Studies in Shanghai to discuss various issues related to China's modernization, making it one of the largest academic events after China's new leadership transition.

Scholars in Shanghai to discuss China studies

Qian Xiaoqian, vice-minister of the State Council Information Office, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the 5th World Forum on China Studies in Shanghai, March 23, 2013. [Photo by Uking Sun/]

The forum on March 23 and 24 will cover a broad range of topics, including implications of China's rise, direction of China's further reform, challenges of environmental protection, China's global image, and dissemination of Chinese culture and values to the world community.

The forum, co-sponsored by the State Council Information Office and the Shanghai Municipal Government, aims to facilitate exchanges of the latest in China studies and to promote an informed understanding of a rapidly changing China.

The theme of the forum is China's Modernization: Road and Prospect. The previous four forums focused on highlighting the traditional Chinese value of harmony.

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