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  • CAEXPO: A tour of Southeast Asia

    2013-09-06 11:24

    A walk around the CAEXPO exhibition hall in Nanning, South China, is like a tour of the 10 Southeast Asian countries, as visitors can see and taste what each country has to offer.

  • Coffee feast at CAEXPO

    2013-09-05 09:45

    Coffees from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore and Vietnam were all available at the China - ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) on Wednesday, providing a one-stop purchasing platform for coffee lovers.

  • Chinese premier eyes closer ties with ASEAN

    2013-09-04 21:14

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has urged business people to seize the opportunities in developing the country's inland areas and cooperating with the ASEAN.

  • China-ASEAN Expo inks $19.7b worth of deals

    2013-09-04 18:22

    About $19.7 billion worth of investment deals were struck at the 10th China-ASEAN Expo held in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.
    'Diamond decade' ahead for China, ASEAN

  • China, ASEAN unveil 'diamond decade'

    2013-09-03 19:40

    The China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) marked its 10th anniversary on Tuesday with top officials from its 11 member states sowing the seeds for a better next 10 years for the region, what Chinese premier Li Keqiang called the "diamond decade".

  • Expo is a galaxy of typical products

    2011-10-23 20:15

    A variety of products are on display at the eighth China-ASEAN Expo in Guangxi.

  • Malaysian PM talks with Chinese CEOs

    2011-10-21 20:34

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Wan Jifei, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and Chinese Vice-minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng attend the roundtable dialogue in Nanning.

  • 8th China-ASEAN Business Summit opens

    2011-10-21 11:56

    The Eighth China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit opens in Nanning.

  • China-ASEAN Expo boosts regional ties

    2011-10-20 07:54

    A Sino-ASEAN exposition in Nanning, the capital of South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, has done a great deal to increase exchanges and cooperation in various fields among China and ASEAN member countries through forums and dialogues.

  • China-ASEAN Forum on growth opens in S China

    2011-10-12 17:00

    The China-ASEAN Forum on Population and Family Development opens in Nanning, capital of South China's Guangxi province, Oct 11, 2011.

  • China-ASEAN Expo kicks off in S China

    2010-10-19 17:09

    Leaders and officials from 10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries attend the opening ceremony of the 7th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, the capital of South China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Oct 19, 2010. The six-day Expo themed “free trade area and new opportunities” is the first one since the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area on Jan 1, 2010.

  • China to set up $10b fund to boost investment co-op with ASEAN

    2009-04-18 12:04

    China has decided to set up a 410 billion "China-ASEAN Fund on Investment Cooperation" to support infrastructural development in the region, Premier Wen Jiabao said Saturday.

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