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Step-by-step, Day-by-day

Updated: 2013-05-09 11:28
(China Daily)

Editor's note: These images portray the changes that have taken place throughout the Wenchuan quake zone's recovery. They're moments in time leading until now — and later.

The Wenchuan quake zone has surged forward every year since the 2008 disaster.


Step-by-step, Day-by-day

Xian Tianquan and her family set tables at their small re-opened restaurant before Spring Festival on Jan 24, 2009, half a year after the earthquake razed their hometown in Sichuan province's Mianzhu city. [Photo by Li Xiaoguo/Xinhua]

Step-by-step, Day-by-day

Tibetans build new houses in Gansu province's Huazhuangba village on April 22, 2009. The region was also hit by the Wenchuan quake. [Photo by Nie Jianjiang/Xinhua]

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