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Theme and logo of advertising congress unveiled

Updated: 2013-12-10 19:18

The theme, logo and official website for the International Advertising Association’s world congress, to be held in Beijing in May, was unveiled on Tuesday.

The 43rd IAA World Congress, to be hosted by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Beijing municipal government from May 8 to 11 in 2014, will be held under the theme of “innovation and evolution”.

A logo in the style of a Chinese ink painting of the number 43 will symbolize the congress, said Yan Jun, an official with the organizing committee of the congress.

The congress will feature exhibitions, forums and lectures concerning the advertising industry in China and the world, with its main venue at the China National Convention Center.

The congress will be attended by more than 1,600 delegates, including more than 600 foreign delegates from advertising, media and academic institutions.

The official website of the 2014 congress has also been unveiled, and can be viewed at

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