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China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation

Updated: 2013-11-23 19:38
( Xinhua)

(II) Industry and information

1. Enhance the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and Consultation Mechanism, strengthen policy exchanges to facilitate industrial products trade, particularly in the fields of automobile industry, industrial energy efficiency, raw materials, ship building and small and medium sized enterprises.

2. Reinforce the China-EU Dialogue on Information Technology, Telecommunication and Informatisation, conduct exchanges and dialogues on related strategies, policies and regulations.

(III) Agriculture

1. Make full use of the China-EU Cooperation Plan in Agriculture and Rural Development under the auspices of the annual bilateral Agricultural Dialogue to enhance cooperation in the fields of sustainable agricultural production, organic agriculture, rural development and agricultural research.

2. Design concrete projects in ensuring food security and safety, coordinating urban and rural development, building environmentally-friendly agricultural systems while ensuring quality and safety of agricultural products. With regard to food safety, intensify cooperation with the objective to protect consumer health, recognizing the importance of food safety as a key element for consumer health, sound food markets, economic development and social welfare, highlighting the continuous and already fruitful cooperation between China and the EU on food safety, and underlining that risk analysis should form the foundation of any food safety policy, laws and regulations.

3. With the view to enhance win-win research and innovation cooperation in the field of food, agriculture and biotechnology, China and the EU will collaborate closely using their respective research and innovation programs to develop joint initiatives of common interest, including potential joint calls for proposals, twinning activities, joint labs, researchers' exchanges and seminars.

4. Enhance cooperation on fisheries management and the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.

(IV) Transport and infrastructure

1. Implement, as early as possible, the Letter of Intent on cooperation in the field of civil aviation between CAAC and DG MOVE signed on 23 August 2013.

2. Strengthen cooperation in developing smart, upgraded and fully interconnected infrastructure systems. Expand cooperation in interoperability of seamless supply chain logistics networks between Asia and Europe, maritime markets and routes, rail services, logistics, safety, and energy efficiency.

3. Actively explore models of infrastructure cooperation, including project bonds, project shareholding, joint contracting and co-financing, and further coordinate the cooperation among China, the EU and its Member States in the above-mentioned fields.

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