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  • Infrastructure boost planned for China's youngest city

    2012-10-26 15:25

    Plans have been announced to speed up infrastructure construction in the newly established Sansha City in the South China Sea to fully tap into the island city's rich natural resources.

  • Sansha Garrison chiefs appointed

    2012-07-26 19:40

    The Defense Ministry on July 26 said the chiefs of the Sansha Garrison have been appointed, and the establishment of related bodies on China's territory "has nothing to do with other countries".

  • Online battle for Sansha domain names

    2012-07-26 13:13

    Most domain names related to Sansha, a prefecture-level city on Yongxing Island in Hainan established by China on July 24, have already been registered.

  • Sansha will help assert jurisdiction

    2012-07-19 08:08

    China on Tuesday set up an organizing committee for the legislative body of Sansha, officially beginning the formation of the government of the newly established city that will administer the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha islands and the surrounding waters in the South China Sea.

  • Legislators elected in Sansha

    2012-07-22 20:05

    The newly established city of Sansha in the South China Sea on Sunday announced a list of 45 deputies to the city people's congress, the local legislative body.

  • Mayor elected in China's newly established Sansha city

    2012-07-23 19:38

    Xiao Jie was elected Monday the first mayor of the newly established Sansha city in the South China Sea along with the director of the standing committee of the city's People's Congress.

  • China establishes Sansha City

    2012-07-24 11:18

    China on Tuesday established Sansha City on Yongxing Island in the province of Hainan.

  • Establishment of Sansha city within sovereignty

    2012-07-26 21:56

    China said Thursday that the establishment of the city of Sansha in the South China Sea is an affair within the country's sovereignty.

  • New city established on Yongxing Island

    2012-07-25 07:37

    China on Tuesday established the city of Sansha on Yongxing Island in the southernmost province of Hainan. Sun Shaochi, vice-minister of civil affairs, announced the State Council's approval of the establishment of the city at a ceremony.

  • Legislative conference held in Sansha

    2012-07-23 16:38

    A legislative conference opened Monday morning in the newly established city of Sansha in the South China Sea.

  • Sansha military garrison established

    2012-07-27 08:09

    The Ministry of National Defense on Thursday announced the appointment of major officers to the Sansha military garrison.

  • Sansha moves to create its People's Congress

    2012-07-17 21:16

    China's newly established Sansha city in the South China Sea prepared Tuesday to set up a local legislative body.

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