The fourth BRICS summit, which concluded on Thursday in New Delhi, sent positive signals to the outside world..
What is pressingly needed today is a real dialogue between the advanced and emerging worlds. Otherwise, the advanced nations will fall on the wrong side of history.
BRICS is a "unique and promising cooperation mechanism carrying both political and economic weight on the world stage".
Amid the ongoing global economic and financial uncertainties, BRICS members will be discussing closer cooperation and coordination.
The two-day Seoul Nuclear Security Summit ended on Tuesday, with the leaders of 53 nations signing a document vowing action plans.
The economic gap between BRICS and the G8 is gradually becoming smaller. And the financial crisis in Europe has established BRICS' emergence.
Seoul summit should seek to improve cooperation on nuclear materials and facilities security and promote nonproliferation.
Obama's DMZ visit came at a sensitive time and added further uncertainties to US-DPRK relations.
It is encouraging to note that not only is the issue of nuclear security being discussed, but also its interface with nuclear safety.
The second Nuclear Security Summit, which opened on Monday in Seoul, should be an occasion to consolidate consensus on nuclear security.
A safe and peaceful use of nuclear power technologies is still an strategically important solution to tackle energy issues in the future, Sun Qin, president of China National Nuclear Corp, said Sunday.
The upcoming Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul on March 26-27 will further discuss global cooperation in preventing nuclear terrorism.