The world simply cannot afford to postpone pursuing green growth, no matter what negotiators in Cancun come up with. China has already made that commitment. Will rich countries do so too?
China is certainly making serious efforts to deal with carbon emissions, US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern said Wednesday, adding he has " enormous respect" for what China is doing domestically.
A group of business leaders from renewable energy companies will visit the United States, on a fact-finding trip, in the first half of 2011, a US commerce official said on Monday.
China is responding to climate change on many fronts and its efforts in developing green energy are noteworthy, according to delegates attending the UN climate change conference.
The United States and China appeared close to agreement Wednesday on a key issue that has troubled climate change negotiations, boosting prospects that talks on global warming will score their first success in years.
China will soon release a plan for switching to energy-saving lighting, hopefully by the end of this year, according to a Chinese lighting expert attending the Cancun climate talks Thursday.
China's chief negotiator to the UN climate change talks in Cancun has said that since 2006 the country has emitted 10 percent less pollution than the previous five years.
A launch ceremony for China Radio International's "CRI in Action: Copenhagen to Cancun" project was held in Beijing on Thursday afternoon.
The Chinese government has allocated a total of 200 billion yuan ($30.12 billion) from its central budget for energy conservation and emission cutting from 2006 to 2010, said an official with China's top economic planning body Monday.
The Chinese government on Friday vowed to "positively explore" new ways for low-carbon development in order to effectively control greenhouse gas emission and contribute to the global sustainable development.
Delegates at a conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday speak highly of China's role in fighting against global climate change.
China has achieved in advance its pollution reduction targets for two major air and water indices, Zhou Shengxian, minister of environmental protection, said Wednesday.