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  • Housing project for Xinjiang's shepherds

    2010-11-12 17:41

    Large carpets, Kazak cushions and a simple but effective indoor heating system – all these are new in Halikaxi’s new house that her family just moved in this October.

  • Xinjiang's frontier trade faces challenges

    2010-11-12 18:37

    The Customs Union of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus has affected trade ties between Kazakhstan and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in China.

  • Exclusive interview with Urumqi mayor

    2010-11-12 18:02

    The mayor of Urumqi, Jierla Yishamuding, tells how the city develops in the post-riot era, from the economic, energy and environment perspectives.

  • Port closest to border wants equivalent visa benefit

    2010-10-29 11:22

    Baketu Port, Tacheng city, Xinjiang has been a trading port for more than 200 years. From last December, China has allowed Kazakhstan residents to visit Tacheng city without a visa for one day, but Kazakhstan doesn't have the equivalent policy for Chinese residents. China Daily reporter Feng Xin interviewed the Tacheng area governor to unveil the reason behind.

  • Restoring old Kashgar for a safer future

    2010-10-26 16:04

    Dilapidated houses in Kashgar, located in the southwest of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, are undergoing a three billion yuan ($446.1 million) restoration project, a planning official told the China Daily website Oct 24, 2010.

  • China builds model low-carbon city in Xinjiang's Turpan

    2010-05-12 16:07

    Turpan, a small Silk Road town in northwest China that became prosperous as a trade hub nearly 2,000 years ago, is earning renown for another reason today.

  • Building last line of defense against desert

    2010-05-25 07:52

    Villagers turn to trees as the last hope in holding back spreading desert. Daniel Chinoy reports from Inner Mongolia.

  • Relocation protects Tianshan nature - and benefits locals

    2009-05-19 08:53

    The relocation to the foot of Tianshan mountain was part of efforts by local authorities to improve the natural environment and to safeguard the water quality for the population in Fukang county downstream of Tianchi lake.

  • Restored river sees local towns flourish

    2009-05-14 07:37

    Over two decades, Li Wanhui of the Xinjiang local government, has watched as a downstream stretch of the mighty Tarim River turned from a natural local oasis to a dry riverbed and then, ultimately, transformed into a stunning lake.

  • Urumqi hits environmental target

    2009-05-14 07:37

    By 2010, simply by turning a dial, the majority of people in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, will be able to adjust the indoor temperature of their own homes. This will modernize the current system of constant central heating.

  • Returning birds bring balance to eco-system

    2009-05-13 13:48

    Authorities in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have invested 360,000 yuan (US$50,000) in a collection of nests locals hope will attract more birds to the area.

  • Climate change to be better monitored

    2007-09-12 07:22

    The China Meteorological Ad-ministration (CMA) Tuesday announced the completion of a national climate observation network to help mitigate global warming.

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