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  • Huang Nubo

    2012-03-14 17:44

    "We used to say that we should go where the market is, but the focus is now on how to create new markets for the society and the future, such as Apple which makes everybody know it now."

  • Li Daokui

    2012-03-14 16:16

    "Chinese commercial banks are quite innovative, but not in the right way. They are innovative in doing wealth-management products."

  • Huang Qiang

    2012-03-14 15:17

    "It's two-way street a lot of the time. Like the US, the US has lots of high-technology that will never be offered to us. But it also has things they have not mastered so they need to talk to us."

  • Li Yizhong

    2012-03-14 14:40

    "The motivation to move forward comes from the awareness of lagging behind. The ancient proverb still makes sense nowadays: Sorrow and calamity give one vitality, while ease and pleasure can be fatal."

  • C.Y. Yang

    2012-03-10 15:40

    "We believe what differentiates a good company and a great company is not only how much money you are making but how much difference you are making in the community in the large."

  • Xu Guanhua

    2012-03-08 10:51

    "The government is not in a position to create someone like Steve Jobs. Jobs' rise was the result of a market environment that encourages innovation."

  • Zhu Chenggang

    2012-03-09 08:58

    SMEs are viable in themselves being the major source of innovations. State-owned enterprises in general are distributed within the resources field while SMEs are living in the innovative domain.

  • Dmitry Medvedev

    2012-02-04 08:08

    "Innovation-based economic development is crucial for stable economic growth. This issue, which Russia sees as a priority, has been met with a lively response from our APEC partners."

  • Oded Shenkar

    2012-02-10 09:35

    "Imitation is not only as critical as innovation to business survival and prosperity, but also vital to the effective exercise of innovation itself."

  • Xi Xiaoming

    2011-04-26 08:10

    "After 30 years of fast development, China should see technological innovation playing a bigger role in its economy. But severe infringements of intellectual property rights are detracting from the motives (behind innovation)."

  • Yu Keping

    2012-02-08 07:59

    "The government has said they will construct an "innovative country", but an innovative country needs not only innovations in government and enterprise systems, but also in society."

  • Strategies of innovation

    2011-05-03 11:05

    Protection of intellectual property rights could help China grow its own technologies and domestic brands

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