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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Job fair promotes low-carbon firms

    2010-03-22 07:55

    Several hundred graduates rushed to the first job fair for low-carbon professionals on Sunday in Beijing, but despite "low carbon" being a popular industry catchphrase, that was not the event's main attraction.

  • Tax officer convicted of taking bribes appeals sentence

    2010-03-22 07:55

    The former vice-head of the Beijing Chongwen District Local Taxation Bureau who accepted 1 million yuan in bribes from a real estate developer, has appealed to the City's No 1 Intermediate Court for a lenient sentence.

  • Fraudster jailed for life for big con

    2010-03-22 07:55

    A Madoff-style fraudster who swindled 660 million yuan from a bank in the form of loans has been jailed for life at a Beijing court.

  • Proposal to turn area into recreation district

    2010-03-19 08:06

    The Shijingshan Amusement Park unveiled an ambitious plan to become the nation's largest outdoor recreation complex through expansion on Thursday.

  • Silk Street renovated to get rid of phony goods

    2010-03-19 08:06

    Beijing's Silk Street market, a popular shopping destination for international tourists, will reopen fully on Friday following a five-day renovation period that aimed to drive out fake goods.

  • Used property sales bounce back after tax induced slump

    2010-03-18 07:50

    Beijing's second-hand housing market appears to be witnessing a revival, after a lengthy low caused by a strict tax policy.

  • Survey shows office workers seeking out luxury goods

    2010-03-18 07:50

    As a sign of growing affluence following the economic crisis, a survey by MSN China showed luxury products are regular purchases among a third of the white-collar workers it surveyed in Beijing.

  • More high-priced land snapped up for profit

    2010-03-18 07:50

    Poly Beijing Real Estate Limited, a subsidiary of the State-owned conglomerate China Poly Group, was among the latest successful bidders to snap up high-priced residential land in Chaoyang district, grabbing a slice of scarce real estate on Wednesday for 5.04 billion yuan.

  • Tycoon tells university delegation of his US plans

    2010-03-17 07:54

    The head of one of China's largest private construction companies says he is considering expanding his business operations to the United States.

  • Free sightseeing tickets prove a big attraction

    2010-03-17 07:54

    Over 1.2 million domestic and international Internet users applied for the 300,000 free sightseeing e-coupons offered by the Beijing Tourism Bureau during the Chinese New Year.

  • Bike enthusiasts gear up to convert commuters in city

    2010-03-17 07:56

    With an ever-increasing number of cars on Beijing's streets, some expatriates are pushing to counteract the clog by forming a group of dedicated cyclists which aims to push awareness of commuting options.

  • Global cyclist records capital's lost culture

    2010-03-17 07:56

    Pedal power no longer a moving force in city
