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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Door closing on rising house prices

    2010-04-22 10:36

    The cost of real estate in the capital will likely start to fall in the fourth quarter, housing market analysts are predicting.

  • Highwire bidders slow to step out

    2010-04-22 10:31

    A plan by management of the National Stadium to solicit bids for naming rights to a highwire acrobat's two-month stunt is teetering.

  • Gold rush amid market fluctuations

    2010-04-22 10:26

    Beijing investors have come down with a severe case of gold fever, ever since the stock market was hit with recent fluctuations and in light of expectations of a falling property market.

  • Valuable artworks at affordable prices come to Sanlitun

    2010-04-22 07:58

    The Orange in Sanlitun Village will be transformed into a pop art space this weekend when the Affordable Art Beijing (AAB) takes center stage.

  • Cultural awakening for director of art museum

    2010-04-22 07:58

    "Can you hear running water?" asked Wang Limei, director of the Beijing World Art Museum, as she walked into the exhibition hall showcasing Mesopotamian culture.

  • Taiwan doctors open their first traditional clinic

    2010-04-21 07:55

    The first Chinese medicine clinic staffed only by doctors from Taiwan has opened in the city.

  • 'Pink cloud' to brighten city's core

    2010-04-21 07:55

    A new splash of natural color is coming to the downtown to complement the central greenbelt next to Financial Street, which is already planted with acer saccharinums, autumn purple ashes, cherry-apples and other imported trees.

  • State Council move dampens price hikes of suburban homes

    2010-04-21 07:55

    Property prices in some of Beijing's far suburbs, where home costs have seen some of the wildest upward swings, are cooling.

  • Big boost for TV on the go

    2010-04-20 10:14

    Mobile TV service coverage in Beijing will be dramatically expanded from May 1 when more programs and an enlarged coverage area begin.

  • Threat jolts thousands to pay power bill

    2010-04-20 10:09

    More than 8,000 Beijing households whose electric heating accounts had been in arrears for four months paid their bills within a week of the electric company's threat to cut off their power on Monday, Mirror Evening News reported.

  • Promote Beijing food to China and world, local restaurant owners told

    2010-04-19 08:06

    Beijing restaurant owners should look for opportunities to sell their cuisine to other parts of China and abroad instead of just thinking their food was superior.

  • Dining out costs 66 yuan per person, report says

    2010-04-19 08:06

    Beijingers spent an average of 66 yuan per meal per person at restaurants in the first three months of the year, an increase of 20 percent over the same period last year, a report by a popular restaurant review website has shown.
