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China Daily Website

  • Breathing in Beijing

    2011-12-18 06:48

    Air pollution in China's big cities gets lot of attention, but one British entrepreneur says the challenge can be faced, Angela Shen reports.

  • An Italian in Beijing

    2012-11-11 08:06

    In the eyes of an outsider, Italian restaurateur Mario Zaccagnini's new endeavor is a walk on the wild side. He has decided to open an outlet of his popular eatery Eatalia right in the heart of Beijing's Ping'an Avenue - a very Chinese district, where the neighbors are Chinese businesses, and where the residents are mostly Chinese.

  • Ahead of the curve

    2012-11-25 08:06

    Few people can boast of a more eclectic curriculum vitae than Leon Lee.

  • Dreamscapes cast in shadow

    2012-12-07 07:43

    At first sight, the dreamlike images captured by Irene Kung's camera look like paintings on canvas or a fresco.

  • Getting a first foot in

    2012-11-22 08:07

    One lesson that left a deep impression on 34-year-old German cinematographer Florian J.E. Zinke when he was at the Beijing Film Academy (BFA) was the one given by his lecturer, director Zhan Xiangchi.

  • Great wall conversion

    2012-12-02 07:56

    Most people visit the Great Wall to admire it, but one American has gone a step further by settling down nearby and setting up a business.

  • Diplomatic fashion strikes a pose

    2012-11-23 08:14

    The Diplomats' National Costume and Oriental Fashion Show was held at T-Space in Beijing on Wednesday.

  • A path of silk

    2012-12-07 09:10

    When Virginie Fournier first saw Chinese silk brought to Lyon, France, by her grandfather decades ago, she could not help but marvel. Now, after more than a decade spent living in China, the founder and creative director of Shanghai Trio, a fashion brand, is still inspired by the country. "When I'm in China, I see beautiful things everywhere," she says.Beijing

  • Westerners bowled over by state of public toilets

    2012-11-19 08:04

    It takes a certain strength to climb the Great Wall - and an entirely different kind to use its restrooms.

  • Tumbling into China

    2012-11-13 08:07

    Sara Kunz wasn't interested in rest or recreation when she first visited Beijing. Curiosity about the country's culture, especially its acrobatics, inspired the 21-year-old Hawaiian to sign up for a one-year program at Beijing International Arts School, formerly known as Beijing Acrobatic School.

  • Designs on the future

    2012-11-23 09:10

    As Chinese independent fashion designers have burst on the scene in recent years, many have boasted about being educated overseas. In the fashion industry, having London, New York or Paris embossed on your CV no doubt makes you more marketable to potential employees, but it dawned on someone one day that in all of this there lay another marketing possibility: educating designers in the land of their birth. Thus, seven years ago the venerable French fashion design school Esmod Paris arrived in Beijing aiming to cash in on this idea, and some of the fruits of that work were on display late last month.

  • Mandarin is child's play for some expat families

    2012-09-03 08:12

    Few parents like to be corrected, or contradicted, by their children. But there are exceptions to that general rule: Expatriate parents living in China tend to swell with pride when their Mandarin-speaking children point out that mum and dad are totally mispronouncing words, or hopelessly mangling grammar.

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