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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Volunteers wanted for talking books

    2011-01-31 07:53

    Xinmu Library, Beijing's first non-governmental library for the blind, needs more volunteers to record audio books to enrich the cultural lives of visually impaired people, according to the librarians.

  • Fireworks put city on red alert

    2011-01-31 07:53

    Against the backdrop of the capital's lengthy drought, which has continued for about 100 days, and the resulting elevated fire risk, firefighters have been ramping up their efforts to contain the danger.

  • Highest fire alert announced in Beijing

    2011-01-31 06:17

    Beijing fire authorities Sunday announced their highest level of alert as the city approached an unusually dry and windy Spring Festival holiday and its traditional fireworks frenzy.

  • Model migrants may get a shot at Beijing hukou

    2011-01-27 07:41

    Migrants who become "national model workers" should be able to get a Beijing hukou as a reward, according to the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions.

  • Online advice helps travelers stay ahead of thieves

    2011-01-27 07:41

    A collection of tips offering advice on how to guard against thieves during train journeys has became an Internet sensation against the backdrop of the world's largest annual human migration.

  • Fire risk rises for parched capital

    2011-01-27 07:41

    The capital's lengthy drought, which has culminated in almost 100 completely dry days, is raising the fire risk and threatening local agriculture.

  • Women urged to deliver the natural way

    2011-01-26 07:59

    Beijing is looking to end the reliance of local moms-to-be on caesarean births and hopes to persuade more to return to traditional childbirth.

  • New crime-fighting measures take off

    2011-01-26 07:59

    With Spring Festival travel crowds converging on the capital's airport and crime likely to soar as a result, police protecting the hub say they will fight to ensure illegal activity is grounded, both at the terminal and in the air.

  • Teams will dig deep to bury illegal pits

    2011-01-26 07:59

    Special teams will scour the landscape in search of illegal mines as a city district ramps up its efforts to combat the dangerous industry.

  • Scramble for trains fuels drive to go home by car

    2011-01-25 07:54

    Many of the capital's migrant workers are hoping to avoid the traditional trouble of taking a train to their hometowns for Spring Festival by making the trip by car.

  • European fruit heralds new imports

    2011-01-25 07:54

    Beijingers will be able to buy Belgian Conference pears from local supermarkets in one month, heralding the start of what is likely to be an influx of imported fresh fruits and meats.

  • Driving schools at end of road

    2011-01-25 07:54

    Companies that offer top-up driving instruction services have seen a sharp fall in business since the local authorities started to restrict the number of new cars allowed on the city's streets.
