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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • NGOs call to drop fish magic trick

    2011-02-15 07:17

    Animal rights campaigners have joined forces to call on China Central Television to cancel a performance by a magician whose act has been branded cruel to fish.

  • Couples target mall's kissing contest to promote gay rights

    2011-02-14 07:49

    Gay and lesbian couples are planning to raise awareness of homosexuality in China this Valentine's Day by entering a kissing contest in the capital.

  • Mixed feelings over taxi plan

    2011-02-14 07:49

    Passengers hailing a Beijing taxi could soon find a few changes to their familiar ride.

  • Parents of child beggars offered legal aid

    2011-02-14 07:49

    The families of children rescued from beggars on the streets of Beijing are being urged to use legal aid to sue the youngsters' kidnappers.

  • Sweepers grit and bear it

    2011-02-14 07:49

    Street cleaners across Beijing were working 12-hour shifts with almost no breaks on Sunday to clear the snow after it blanketed the city's roads and pavements.

  • Is longest wait for snowfall at an end?

    2011-02-10 11:00

    Beijing was expected to see its first snowfall of the winter on Thursday morning, according to the capital's official weather forecasters.

  • Supervisors aim to boost image of urban officers

    2011-02-10 11:00

    A system to improve the performance and image of chengguan, the nation's much-maligned urban management officers, is being rolled out across Beijing.

  • Fair trade proves boon for business

    2011-02-10 10:58

    Beijing's traditional temple fairs, already a hit with revelers, have this year proved a major marketplace for local enterprises to boost revenues and reputations.

  • Merger incentives help to boost farmers' job prospects

    2011-02-09 08:18

    New salary subsidies and training programs helped almost 5,000 residents in Daxing district - 80 percent farmers - find jobs last year.

  • Dry spell sparks holiday fire rise

    2011-02-09 08:18

    Fireworks and firecrackers caused almost 200 blazes across the capital during this year's Spring Festival celebrations, a 106-percent increase on figures for 2010.

  • Praying for love at temple fairs

    2011-02-09 08:18

    Temple fairs, which are traditionally held throughout the Spring Festival holidays, are fast becoming one of the hottest matchmaking spots in the capital.

  • New teams to protect rail and air travelers

    2011-01-31 07:53

    Travelers using the capital's international airport and its fast-growing rail and underground network will be protected in the future by special fire-fighting teams.
