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Metro Beijing

Love trinkets shelved at new sorrow store

Updated: 2010-01-25 11:05
By Wang Chao ( China Daily)

Memories of love might be an issue for jilted partners worldwide, but one man in Beijing has found a profitable way to keep them alive without upsetting new relationships. And business is booming.

Gong Yelong, the owner of "The Dinosaur's Love Bank," started selling services dedicated to the hardships of "love" in Guloudajie one month ago.

Love trinkets shelved at new sorrow store

His current two major services include storing keepsakes from former relationships, and listening to bitter tales of love.

Gong said it is the first store of its kind in China, although he has heard of others in Europe.

Since the recent opening of the store, more than 40 clients have come through the doors.

They are mostly women under 30, Gong said.

"I got the inspiration from my friend," Gong told METRO. "He was getting married and having a hard time dealing with old things from his ex-girlfriend. He wanted me to store them for him since he could neither throw them away nor keep them at home."

Gong did a survey and found out that about 80 percent of his friends face the same problem.

"There looks to be great potential in this service," he said.

Inside Gong's small store, located in the Beijing International Creative Park in Guloudajie, stand two shelves loaded with cups, toys, books and wallets.

"They all came from my clients," Gong said.

"They sent them to me by mail and in person. I seal the goods straight away and sign a contract ranging from one month to 30 years."

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On the top of the shelf there is a large toy snake with a note attached to it: "Your love entangles me so tight that I cannot breathe; if you love me, please give me some space."

Gong told METRO that the snake was from a boy who could not take the overwhelming love from his ex-girlfriend and had to break up with her. "Each object here has its own story," Gong said.

"I charge 10 yuan per month for toys, photos and documents," he said, taking out a price list.

"Most clients sign a contract for one year," Gong added.

While he has not been given any 'expensive keepsakes' like jewelry yet, he believes it is only a matter of time.

"I need time to build public trust in my service," he said.

Storing personal letters because of their sentimental value is one area that Gong is noticing a real interest in.

Li Wanting, in her 30's, stored some letters in Gong's "bank" from her ex-boyfriend. She signed a contract with Gong for one year but has not decided about the future.

"I have two plans. Either I find my ex-boyfriend and give them to him, or I burn them." Li admitted she hesitated before storing the letters. "What if they get lost or the owner reads them?" she said.
