Saddam admits approving death sentences

2006-04-06 08:22:51

Saddam Hussein dodged questions from prosecutors cross-examining him for the first time Wednesday over a crackdown against Shiites in the 1980s. But he acknowledged approving death sentences for 148 Shiites.

Saddam to be cross-examined in court

2006-04-05 17:04:00

Saddam Hussein accused Iraq's Shiite-led Interior Ministry of killing and torturing "thousands" of people as he appeared in court Wednesday for questioning by judges and prosecutors in his trial for the killings of Shiites in the 1980s.

Saddam charged gassing of Kurds in '80s

2006-04-04 19:21:03

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Iraq tribunal Tuesday announced new criminal charges against Saddam Hussein and six others for alleged genocide and crimes against humanity in the 1980s crackdown against the Kurds, including the gassing of thousands of civilians in the village of Halabja.

Judge to file new charges against Saddam

2006-04-03 09:58:14

An investigative judge will file new criminal charges against Saddam Hussein in the next few days charging him in the deaths and deportation of thousands of Kurds in the 1980s.

Saddam wants his trial to remain in Iraq-lawyer

2006-03-18 21:53:04

Saddam Hussein wants his trial to remain in Iraq despite calls by his lawyers and human rights groups for an international tribunal.

Saddam's speech results in trial closure

2006-03-15 20:39:03

Saddam Hussein testified Wednesday for the first time at his trial, insisting he still was Iraq's leader and calling the proceedings a "comedy," but the chief judge closed the trial to the public because he said the defendant was making political speeches.

Saddam's half-brother testifies at trial

2006-03-15 18:53:26

Saddam Hussein's half-brother, former intelligence chief Barzan Ibrahim, denied he took part in a crackdown against Shiites in the 1980s as he testified Wednesday for the first time in the trial of the former Iraqi leader and members of his regime.

Three of Saddam's co-defendants testify

2006-03-13 08:55:30

Saddam Hussein's trial entered a new phase Sunday as three of his co-defendants testified for the first time, denying they had any role in the killings and arrests of Shiite Muslims in the 1980s.

Saddam trial resumes in Baghdad

2006-03-12 21:08:01

Saddam Hussein's trial resumed on Sunday with a fellow defendant taking the stand to deny any involvement in the killing of 148 Shi'ites in the 1980s.

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