Iraqi PM expects Saddam to be executed this year

2006-11-08 17:14:23

Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said he expects toppled leader Saddam Hussein to be executed before the end of the year.

Saddam back in court for genocide trial

2006-11-07 16:49:19

Saddam Hussein returned to court Tuesday for his genocide trial, two days after another panel convicted him of crimes against humanity and sentenced him to hang.

Saddam sentence "unacceptable" - Italian FM

2006-11-07 09:05:18

Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D' Alema said on Monday in Paris that executing Saddam would be " unacceptable."

Rallies continue after Saddam verdict

2006-11-06 21:21:04

Jubilant Shiites marched by the hundreds Monday, celebrating Saddam Hussein's conviction and death sentence as Sunnis held defiant counter-demonstrations.

Analysis: Verdict may not stop violence

2006-11-06 14:38:05

The future of Iraq may depend little on whether Saddam Hussein hangs. The Sunni insurgency is so deeply entrenched and sectarian bloodlust so strong that Iraq seems set to continue spiraling into violence -- regardless of its former president's fate.

World opinions differ on Saddam verdict

2006-11-06 11:01:53

Saddam Hussein's death sentence was celebrated by some on Sunday as justice deserved or even divine, but denounced by others as a political ploy.

Portugal NGO demonstrates against death penalty on Saddam

2006-11-06 10:52:24

The Portugal branch of human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) held a demonstration on Sunday to protest against the death sentence passed on former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

NZ PM: Saddam verdict appropriate, but don't execute him

2006-11-06 10:46:47

Prime Minister Helen Clark said Monday the guilty verdict handed down to Saddam Hussein was the appropriate result - but she does not want him executed.

Sectarian fault lines widen after Saddam death sentence

2006-11-06 09:23:01

Ecstasy swept Iraq's Shi'ite and Kurdish regions, but in the Sunni heartland policemen wept in the streets and simple townspeople vowed revenge after Saddam Hussein was sentenced to hang.

Saddam is sentenced to hang

2006-11-06 06:16:31

BAGHDAD: A visibly shaken Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity yesterday and sentenced to hang by the US-sponsored court that has been trying him in Baghdad for the past year.

Convictions and sentences in the trial of Saddam Hussein, seven co-defendants

2006-11-06 06:16:31

Saddam Hussein, former Iraqi president:

Life of Saddam Hussein

2006-11-06 06:16:31

April 28, 1937: Born in al-Awja village outside Tikrit, 150 kilometres north of Baghdad.