Former Iraq deputy PM Aziz takes stand for Saddam

2006-05-24 16:53:46

Former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz took the stand to testify for Saddam Hussein as the ousted president's trial resumed on Wednesday.

Uproar in court as judge ejects Saddam lawyer

2006-05-22 15:49:17

The chief judge ordered a defense lawyer out of the courtroom and shouted down Saddam Hussein Monday at the start of a new session of the trial of the former Iraqi leader and members of his regime.

Experts: Saddam signatures on documents

2006-04-19 23:40:39

Handwriting experts authenticated Saddam Hussein's signatures on more documents related to a crackdown on Shiites in the 1980s, the chief judge in his trial said Wednesday.

Saddam challenges handwriting experts

2006-04-18 11:37:08

Saddam Hussein's lawyer Monday challenged findings of handwriting experts verifying the former president's signature on documents linked to a crackdown on Shiites, and demanded a review by specialists from anywhere except Iran or Israel.

Experts confirm Saddam's signature on file

2006-04-17 16:35:11

Experts confirmed the authenticity of Saddam Hussein's signature on documents connected to a crackdown on Shiites in the 1980s, prosecutors said Monday.

Saddam trial process inches forward

2006-04-12 14:36:30

The trial of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on charges of crimes against humanity resumes with the sometimes chaotic process at a crucial juncture as it starts to move forward.

Hussein's daughter: They are Iraq's real men

2006-04-10 10:53:03

Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter has praised her uncle, Barzan Ibrahim, and the others currently on trial with her father as "Iraq's real men.

Saddam-era judge defends death sentences

2006-04-06 19:29:55

A former judge who sentenced 148 Shiites to death under Saddam Hussein's rule in the 1980s told prosecutors in the Saddam trial Thursday that the suspects had confessed and received a fair trial.

Ex-judge to be questioned in Saddam trial

2006-04-06 16:13:35

Prosecutors in the trial of Saddam Hussein questioned the former head of the Revolutionary Court on Thursday over the death sentences of 148 Shiites in the 1980s, a central point in the case against the ousted Iraqi leader and members of his regime.

Saddam: Shi'ite-run ministry kills thousands

2006-04-06 09:03:44

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein testifies during cross-examination at his trial in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone April 5, 2006, accusing the new Shi'ite-run Interior Ministry of killing and torturing thousands of Iraqis, likely to aggravate sectarian tensions. [Reuters]

Saddam: Shiites were involved

2006-04-05 21:21:27

Saddam Hussein was cross-examined for the first time in his 6-month-old trial Wednesday, saying he approved death sentences against Shiites in the 1980s because he believed the evidence had proven they were involved in an assassination attempt against him.

Saddam Hussein cross-examined

2006-04-05 15:47:13

Saddam Hussein was being cross-examined for the first time in court Wednesday by judges and prosecutors in trial for the killings of Shiites in the 1980s.