Home > Charming Wenjiang

Cool off with a breath of fresh air at Huimei Huajing Garden2017-11-08

Wenjiang district has a fresh spot for you to take a cool break.

Lian'er Lishi village2017-11-07

Lian’er Lishi is located in Wenjiang district’s Yongsheng town in western Sichuan and can be dated back as early as AD 555.

Cool places to escape the summer heat2017-11-07

Come sunset, there are a whole host of places in Wenjiang to enjoy the warm evenings.

South Wenjiang Ancient Wall2017-11-06

Chengdu's Wenjiang district contains an historic portion of the ancient walls on Wenquan Road.

Wenjiang dishes you don't want to miss2017-11-06

Nanmen Community in Wenjiang is a wonderful place for foodies who love great tasting food with strong flavor.

Wenjiang TCM Botanical Garden2017-11-05

The newly-opened Wenjiang TCM Botanical Garden offers local residents a fresh chance to appreciate the beauty of spring and learn about traditional Chinese medicine.

Highlights to be discovered in Wenjiang2017-11-04

After the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, you may find yourself falling in love with Wenjiang.

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